The law requires me to trace waste flows starting from their departure from a site:
- It is no longer possible to trace waste only at its point of arrival at a treatment facility.
- I need a solution that ensures efficient traceability of waste throughout its value chain.
- I need to be able to prove my compliance with the law and good practices.
- I need a practical and an easy-to-use solution for my operators and subcontractors.
French law on circular economy (law n° 2020-105 of 10th of February 2020)
Extended producer responsibility for the products and materials used in the construction of buildings
French law on energy transition (law n° 2015-992 of 17th of August 2015)
Ambitions for the Circular Economy and Environmental challenges (examples of the TECV and AGEC Laws in France)
43.5 million tonnes
of construction waste produced in France every year
Divide by 4
greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2050
Reduce by 50%
the amount of waste sent to landfills by 2025
of construction waste recycled, target set by the EU
3 years
the minimum conservation period for supporting documents
Challenges for the principal :
The Project Owner must ensure compliance with REP obligations
Establish a regulatory database for all site flows:
- Accurate, complete, and auditable for at least 3 years
Limit the use of new materials and improve material recovery:
- Systematically identify and quantify materials and waste
Prevent illegal dumping:
- Receive alerts concerning specific events
- Identify site flows at their arrival and departure from site

“The SGP’s sustainable development department considers the traceability of excavated soil to be a key element in reducing the project’s carbon impact.“
Société du Grand Paris

“As a responsible player, we want to reduce our environmental footprint.”
Hauts de Seine, Regional authority
The client must be able to provide proof of exemplary execution of the project
Provide factual evidence:
- Information supported by images and geo-location data
- Available in real time
- Waste tracking notes (BSDs) generated in real time and available remotely
Ensure safety on site and during transit:
- By limiting risk situations, including overloading
Limit nuisances for local residents
Project owners also need to generate complete reports easily and do away with Excel…
Follow-up on the activity with an intuitive interface:
- Generate graphs and exports on all parameters
- For any period, for any participant in the value chain, and on the transported contents
Calculate the carbon footprint reduction from key data:
- Detailed information on transport flows, including type of vehicle, weight, and distance travelled
- Detailed information on the material recovery and the exact quantity per type of waste

“Our aim is to have precise data on the volume of excavated material on our sites – % of materials reused and recycled, % of polluted soil – and to generate reports on the overall impact of waste on our operations and on our carbon footprint.“
Hauts de Seine, Regional authority
Our best ambassadors are our clients