Founded by Cécile Villette, Bérengère Lebental and Rihab Jerbi, in 2017, our vocation is to improve the sustainability and the security of road infrastructures.


For this, the team has developed, in partnership with a research team from the Polytechnique School, at the CNRS and the Gustave Eiffel University (ex-IFSTTAR), a learning machine platform and a network of sensors capable of collecting a whole range of data which are analyzed in real-time by internally developed algorithms. This data is sufficiently precise to identify :


  • the type of vehicle entering the TopTrack system while in motion
  • its wheel and axle configuration
  • its weight
  • its speed

These elements are linked to multiple meteorologic indicators and are available on the online platform in real time.

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A story, a team multicultural and qualified

cecile-villette Notre histoire

Cécile Villette
CEO – Founder

10 years of experience in digital strategy and launching of services connected with PwC & Accenture.

Rihab-Jerbi Notre histoire

Rihab Jerbi
COO – Co-founder

10 years of industriel strategy, lean engineering and lean manufacturing.

Berengere-Lebental Notre histoire

Bérengère Lebental
CSO – Co-founder

Director of research in nanotechnology and the intelligent and sustainable city.

equipe-developpement-commercial Notre histoire

Commercial development


equipe-datascience Notre histoire

Datascience platform



equipe-operations Notre histoire



equipe-r-et-d Notre histoire



Our strategic and financial partners