From prevention to quality assurance:
The QSE manager must :
- Ensure compliance with regulatory obligations relating to the circular economy and environmental protection.
- Guarantee the safety of personnel on site and on the road to the destination point.
- To reconcile quality requirements with time and cost optimisation objectives.
- To propose solutions to anticipate risks and reduce their impact.
Just think about it:
830 million tonnes per year!
the amount of construction and demolition waste produced in the EU
120 million tonnes of CO2
produced by the construction sector in France every year
of construction waste recycled, target set by the EU
2 minutes
the frequency of accidents on all construction sites in France in 2019
3 years
the minimum conservation period for the regulatory database of waste flows
Challenges for the QSE manager:
The QSE manager must protect the environment
Traceability of waste and excavated materials:
- Prevent illegal dumping
- Manage the regulatory database that is auditable for at least 3 years
Reduce the environmental impact:
- Measure and reduce the CO2 impact of the activity
- Manage purchases and resources and implement eco-actions
Optimisation and recovery of materials:
- Send the right product, to the right place, at the right time, and at the best cost for optimal recovery

“When performance is measured and targets are set, people are naturally much more motivated to achieve them.”
QSE manager

“The challenge is for people to integrate safety systematically into everything they do. For me, it is the priority of people before production.”
QSE manager, Construction site L15 of Grand Paris
The QSE manager must improve safety
Risk management:
- On site
- During transit
Prevention and awareness:
- Maintain a prevention and safety culture at all levels
- Monitor compliance with health and safety rules
Avoid risk situations:
- Detect risky behaviours
- Set up warning systems
Commitment to quality
Time and cost optimisation:
- Reduce transport costs and delays
- Limit additional costs that are due to a lack of control
Ensure respect of commitments:
- Respect the project schedules and budgets
- Ensure that the materials correspond to the announced quality
Continuous improvement:
- Employ performance indicators
- Refine customer satisfaction criteria

“The QSE approach gives credibility to our discourse, our activities, and our image among our customers. It attests to the recognition of a job well done.“
QSE manager
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