Pollution, health problems, exorbitant costs for municipalities… these aspects characterise illegal dumping, or so called “wild deposits” or “orphan sites”.
Even if, as a professional, one can risk a 75,000 euro fine and a two-year prison sentence when one illegally dumps their waste into the environment (Environmental Code, article L. 541-46.), this does not seem to stop polluters who are still rarely caught red-handed.
According to the Association des villes pour la propreté urbaine (AVPU), around 63,000 tons of waste are dumped illegally in France each year. However, this number does not take into account the wild deposits not yet identified. The total amount of waste illegally dumped into the environment is estimated to be equivalent to more than six Eiffel Towers! You got it, the issue is major.
Construction waste accounts for a major part of illegal dumpings, which is why the circular economy law should change the game as of 1st of January 2022. Indeed, from this date onwards, the producers of waste will be held responsible for cleaning up wild deposits due to the extended producer responsibility principle. An efficient network of collection points will also be created.
The traceability of waste then becomes a powerful means of combating illegal dumping.